Measurement Equivalents and International Conversions


If you are not in the United States many of the measures used throughout Big Daddy's Cookbook">

Measurement Equivalents and International Conversions


If you are not in the United States many of the measures used throughout Big Daddy's Cookbook, indeed this entire website, will for the most part be confusing and hard to apply.  Additionally, American cooks deal mostly with volume and not weight.   Hopefully the charts below will help you convert the information found in Big Daddy's Kitchen to the measures with which you are most familiar.


Definitions of Abbreviations Used
Tbsn = T = tablespoon
Tspn = t = teaspoon

C = cup
pt. = pint
qt. = quart
oz. = ounce
lb. = pound
gm. = gram

U.S. to Metric Conversion

U.S. Metric
1/5 teaspoon 1 milliliter
1 teaspoon 5 milliliters
1 tablespoon 15 milliliters
1 fluid ounce 30 milliliters
1/5 cup 50 milliliters
1 cup 240 milliliters
1 pint 470 milliliters
1 quart .95 liters


Oven Temperatures

Fahrenheit Centigrade
Cool Oven 200  93
Very Slow Oven  225 107 
Slow Oven 300  149
Moderate Oven 350  177
Hot Oven 400  205
Very Hot Oven 450-500  232-260
Weight Equivalents
U.S. Canada Australia
1 ounce 30 grams 30 grams
2 ounces 55 grams 60 grams
3 ounces 85 grams 90 grams
4 ounces 115 grams 125 grams
8 ounces 225 grams 225 grams
16 ounces 455 grams 500 grams

Cooking Measurement Equivalents

3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon
1 tablespoon = 1/16 cup
2 tablespoons = 1/8 cup
2 tablespoons +
2 teaspoons
= 1/6 cup
4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup
5 tablespoons +
1 teaspoon
= 1/3 cup
6 tablespoons = 3/8 cup
8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup
10 tablespoons +
2 teaspoons
= 3/4 cup
16 tablespoons = 1 cup
1 cup = 1/2 pint
2 cups = 1 pint
2 pints = 1 quart